Hi, I'm April.

I'm an Arizona girl, 3rd generation born and raised. I love decorating, game night, thrifting, movies, writing, and Jesus! I'm a mom of four grown girls and a teenage son.

My first three were a gift that came when I said "I do". Right about the time they started having children, so did we, adding two more to the mix.

My husband and I are now grandparents. And after 30 years of marriage, we're still busy parents too, with one more left in the nest.

I have a passion for reading God's word. I'm an exhorter, and I'm on a mission to build up women and arm them with strength to live powerful, fulfilling walks with Jesus.

I'm so glad you stopped by to read what God has given me, because I believe with my whole heart that every word written was destined for a woman who needed to hear it. Maybe that woman is you.

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