Something to Get Excited About

I stumbled on a truth today that rocked my world.  I’d seen it before, but today, I really got it. 

And not only did I get it, but I got excited about it.

Here’s a little joy for your day.

I’m in Jude.  A one-chapter book of the Bible written by Jesus’ own brother.  A guy who had the same Mom and earthly Dad as my sweet Jesus. 

He warns of listening to false teachers and turning away from Christ, and then he ends the book with a two-part promise.  It’s in Jude 1:24.

Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.

I’m doing a mental happy dance over here, because – LOOK! 

Part 1 of this scripture tells us that God can keep us steady and strong, never to fall away from him. 

OH, thank you Father!

But today, I was especially taken with this – Part 2:

When I make it to Heaven, I will stand face-to-face with Jesus without a single fault.

I don’t know about you, but I find this cause for genuine celebration.

All of my bad habits, my shortcomings, my less-thans.  GONE

Goodbye criticism, impatience, pride, and especially YOU, oh selfishness.  You are the one I will be most glad to crucify.

And there will be no moment of silence for the passing.

Only LOUD rejoicing.  For so many reasons.

Because you and I will finally be like Jesus. In Every. Single. WAY.

You will have no more sorrows.

You won’t struggle with envy.

There will be no more disappointments.

You will never lose your patience.

You will never again need to say, “I’m sorry.”

You will have perfect health.

And your tongue will finally know its place.  It will no longer have a mind of its own. 

Because it will be too busy praising God for the gift.

Are you excited yet?  You should be!  Because on that day you will be made new.  You will look like you, but you won’t think like you.

No, you will finally think and act like Jesus.  The ONE who knows you and loves you best.  The one who provides for your every need.

The one who advocates for you before God every single day so that you can approach the Father.

This is nothing short of amazing.

Take a second to think of the kindest, purest, person you know.  One day, you will be even better than that.

I cannot imagine.  It makes me grateful. 

And it’s humbling too, because the Bible says that Christ was there even on Creation Day. 

He has always known Heaven and he has always known God.  And then he walked away from all of that for you and me.

To spend 33 years away from the perfection he knew.  To endure hatred, criticism, and crucifixion. 

He did all of this so that you and I could approach God.

And so you and I would have our own place with him in eternity.

THIS is no small thing.

We are loved more than we know.  Cherished and adored. 

And you can bet Jesus is counting the days when we will be there with him and he must no longer advocate for us. 

Instead, he will celebrate with us.

I hope you will take a moment today to think on this.  To meditate on this gift you have been given.

To thank him. To praise him.  And to genuinely appreciate what HE has waiting for YOU.

Because THIS is something to get excited about!

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  1. Thankful for this promise. god is Good and faithful with His promise

    1. Yes HE IS! It’s exciting!

  2. Such an encouraging word, thank you April.

    1. Thank you Aunt Lynne!

  3. Good words of encouragement

    1. Bless you, Laraine!

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