The Power of a Stone

I once hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon at 2:00 in the morning. 

Call me crazy, because I was!

As a college student, I had gone there to work a summer job in the day, and sing with a group at night.  It was a ministry opportunity I will never forget. 

Working, singing, friendship, fun. 

Memories were made that summer, including the infamous hike – complete with two determined girls, one full moon, two flashlights (that soon burned out), one sprained ankle, and no extra batteries. 

That summer I lived in a tiny brown house just 100 feet from the canyon’s edge, the majesty of God’s gorgeous creation just steps away from my front door. 

It was spectacular.

This work of art, carved from stone, came to mind this week as God began to unravel a truth to me.

He began to show me how the significance of a stone runs deeper than I knew.

That not only is his power on display through the etching of a massive canyon, it can also be on display through a single stone.

This message is woven all throughout scripture.

Don’t leave me yet. 

Because the deeper you go into this truth, the more exciting it gets.

Beginning here:

In Old Testament times, altars to God were built from stones. This was how people showed honor to God.

Then, through Moses, God gave his people the Ten Commandments.  It was written on two tablets of stone.  

And not just any stones – ones on which God had written with his own hand.

God uses stones in powerful ways. 

Like when David, a simple shepherd boy, killed the giant with a single stone, freeing an entire nation from the threat of another. 

Or when God provided for the thirst of his wandering people in the desert with water that gushed forth from a rock.

And then he did better than that. 

He sent THE ONE whom he lovingly calls our Cornerstone.

Jesus, the one on whom our faith is built. 

But this does not come without opposition. 

Even Satan knows the significance of a stone, and he’s tried to use it against us.

Like when Stephen was martyred.  He was the first New Testament believer to be killed for his faith. And they did it through stoning.  

Or when Jesus died on the cross for all of us, and they tried to lock his body away by sealing the tomb with a stone.

And yet, the stone was rolled away.

The enemy couldn’t overcome us then, and he can’t overcome us now.

Because the power of the stone has now been poured out on all of God’s beloved.

How?  It began with Peter, whom Jesus named the rock of the church.

And it continues with all of us.

1 Peter 2:5:

You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

He’s talking about you and me.  The church.  Each one of us, a living stone, bringing our gifts, abilities, time, and commitment together. 

One stone stacking atop another, with Jesus, our cornerstone, holding us all together. 

And Satan cannot knock us down.

Don’t underestimate the power of a stone. 

Once arranged together we are a godly, fierce, unstoppable force that will send the enemy fleeing.

And he knows it.

But lest you think you must be in the company of other believers to accomplish this, let me encourage you with this:

One committed, grounded believer can accomplish more than you can possibly imagine. 

We are given two very sound ways on how to do this very thing. 

Two solid actions we can take:

#1 – Know God’s word, and put it into practice. In doing so, you build your faith upon his ROCK. 

Matthew 7:24-25:

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 

The one whose faith is built upon the ROCK will be unshakable.  


#2 – Have a stubborn faith that is determined to do God’s will. As Isaiah puts it, set your face like a STONE. 

Isaiah 50:7:

Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.

SET YOUR FACE LIKE A STONE.  Be determined to follow him, and you will never be put to shame.

Are you seeing what I’m seeing?

When we stand upon the rock and have steadfast determination to live God’s way, the enemy cannot shake us.

A woman who knows and lives the Word of God and steadfastly seeks his will is one the enemy fears. 

She is a force to be reckoned with.

Are you seeing the power of a stone?

Wait until you hear this.

Here comes my favorite part. 

There is one more powerful stone waiting for you.  One you have yet to receive. And this is a stone you will treasure forever.

John, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, speaks of a vision given to him by God that reveals glimpses of our heavenly future.  He tells us this in Revelation 2:17:

…To everyone who is victorious I will give some of the manna that has been hidden away in heaven. And I will give to each one a white STONE, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.

How beautiful is that?  This Jesus who now stands before the Father, advocating for you day and night, is going to one day see you face-to-face.  And when he does, he will hand to you a lovely and precious gift.

A white stone, signifying the purity and perfection you have finally achieved, with a name he has carefully chosen just for you.

And you will be the only one who knows what it means.

What a picture of the intimate God we serve.  That’s how very much he loves us.

My friends, let me encourage you to harness the power of the stone.  To build your faith upon the rock.  To be determined to follow his will.

To know and believe that you have the power within you to accomplish much with and for Jesus.

And to praise the ONE and only Jesus, our cornerstone.

I hope you will. 

Because the Bible tells us that if WE don’t praise him, the stones will cry out. 

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  1. Wonderful job honey! Reminded me of a song about Stephen. Goes like this:
    Stephen saw that look in their eyes, he saw the stones in their hands. Steven knew his words had cut their hearts, he knew their plans. But in that moment of no way out, Stephen never had a doubt. And then that moment of final despair, Stephen saw Jesus standing there. Just a stones throw away, heaven is just a stones throw away. Just a stones throw away, heaven is just a stones throw away.

    1. I love that, honey. I’m gonna make you sing it to me!

  2. Wonderful reminder of how precious we are to the Lord and how precious He is to us.

    1. He’s a good God! It’s so good to be known and loved by him. I’m grateful!

  3. Wow, April! You are really gifted! Thank you for investing time in God’s Word to share here with us.

    1. Thank you Connie! It was the coolest AHA moment when God put it all together in my head. I hope it inspires others like it did me!

  4. Something I will reflect on all day. Beautiful

    1. Thank you Tammy! I’ve been thinking a lot on this message as well. I love how God puts all the pieces together. I really appreciate you reading it and I am glad it blessed your day!

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