Have you ever had God speak to you in a tangible way? I had this happen while on vacation.
It was so to-the-point, that I actually chuckled at his method of getting my attention. I blogged about this a while back, and it has become one of my most-read posts. I’ll share the link to that in just a bit.
Clearly, we were needing a little Jesus on this trip, because just two days later, God spoke to me again.
But this time he did so in a completely different way. One that required a little more participation from me.
It’s a pretty awesome story. One I really enjoy reflecting on.
We had ventured to the beautiful state of Washington, to take in both city and scenery. This had us lodging in two different hotels.
Our first night was spent on the fourth floor in room 416. A seemingly insignificant number, until the next day.
Seventy-five miles later, we checked into another hotel.
Where we were given keys to our new room… also room 416.
My first thought was:
Well, THIS is interesting!
As we rode the elevator up, I commented to another guest, “This is crazy! We have the same room number we had at our last hotel!”
To which he replied, “Wow – you should buy a lottery ticket!”
We had a little laugh. But I couldn’t help thinking:
There’s got to be more to this.
One thing I have learned about God is to pay attention. To keep my heart open for the little things he might want to say to me.
So, the next morning, I went digging for spiritual treasure.
Okay God, I know you well enough to know you have something to show me. What is it?
Not knowing what else to do, I picked up my phone and searched for the most logical thing I could think of. Scriptures containing the numbers 4-1-6.
It didn’t take long for me to find it. A message meant both for me and my guy. And one we desperately needed to hear.
Because here’s what I haven’t yet told you.
My husband was having health issues that had begun not long before we left for vacation.
But he was well enough to travel, so we had decided to proceed as planned.
Yet I had awakened that morning just SURE that his vacation would be better spent in the emergency room.
Even though it wasn’t his first time down this road. Even though he was already in the care of a very good doctor, and even though we had embarked on this vacation fully aware of his limitations.
Still, I had allowed my mind to be fearful.
God knew I would.
In fact, he knew before we got on that plane that I would need his hand to steady me on this particular day.
Let me tell you – when God knows you need some encouragement, he has a wealth of it. And he will offer it if you are willing to listen.
This is when I began to dig for the treasure I knew he wanted to give me.
And THIS is what I found:
2 Corinthians 4:16 (through verse 18) –
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
I heard his message loud and clear:
Girl, get your eyes back on ME.
Yes, Lord. I hear you.
But God’s message didn’t stop there.
As I was searching for scriptures, Hubby found a quiet spot in the downstairs lobby for a morning devotion of his own — Day 11 of the study he’d begun before we even left for vacation.
And what do you think his reading was about? The very same passage I had found.
A double dose of God’s blessings – one for my man and one for me.
No one will ever convince me that this was a coincidence.
Because I serve a great big God.
So my message for you today is short, but sweet:
Proverbs 2:1, 4-5 –
My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God.
My friend, as you approach God with questions, concerns, worries, or simply a hunger to know him more. . .
BELIEVE he has truths for you, ASK for encouragement when you need it, and then go dig deep. LOOK for wisdom in His Word.
His is a spiritual treasure that far outweighs any earthly prize, and we gain much when we are willing to dig through it.
In these moments, not only do we learn more about God’s word, but we fine-tune our ability to hear what he wants to say to us. And in the process, we build our faith.
So make it your goal to search his Word. You might just find a hidden treasure of your very own.
NOTE: If you would like to read the post I mentioned about God speaking to me in a tangible way, you can find The Key and the Elevator [here].
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Connie Cornell
God is always so tuned in to what we need in that very moment. I’m so glad He chooses to speak to us through His Word.
Grace Grown Girl
Connie – Me too! I think that’s one of the things I appreciate about him the most. How personal he is and how he always gives us just what we need when we need it!
Laraine Baxter
Good words that I need at this time.
Grace Grown Girl
Thank you, friend. Be encouraged!
Mary Johns
Love your Blog entries and Posts, April!! Always timely, edifying, grace filled and relevant for what I am experiencing.
Thank you so much. I am learning to look at things with spiritual eyes. God is speaking to us from everything we come into contact with..I want to see more clearly and hear from an open and listening heart and mind.
You model how to do this🙏🌺☺️💞🏵️🌷🕯️🏜️ Heart hugs
Grace Grown Girl
Mary, I am simply humbled! Thank you for your kind words and for your wisdom in knowing that,yes, he is speaking to us continually through so many things!