The Needs You Didn’t Know You Had

One of my favorite things about our God is his never-ending, constant giving, to meet our every need.  

He is in the business of provision. 

I’ve seen this in my own life over and over again.

♦ Like the time my husband lost his job, and then God provided another to start the very day after our medical insurance was set to run out.

♦ Or the time when, as a young single woman, I was short on funds to pay my bills and that unexpected check arrived in the mail.

♦ Or that day when I had a problem to solve and the only one who could help “just happened” to come into my office right then.

♦ Times when I needed an answer and that scripture jumped off the page to settle my soul. 

♦ Or when that heart-wrenching difficulty was my appointed season, and that friend walked up to say she had been praying for me continually but didn’t know why.

. . . LIKE THAT.

THAT is God’s continual, never-ending provision. 

Moments for which I am grateful, and a list that didn’t take me long to make.  Mostly because this is when I have seen God’s intervention clearly.

I’m sure you have a mental list of your own. 

It’s good to think on these moments, because when we do, it builds our faith and deepens our confidence that he really does take care of us. 

There’s joy in the remembering.

One day as I met with God, he reminded me that not only does he care for the things we can see, working those little miracles out for us . . .

But he also takes care of things we do not see.

In every aspect of our lives, there are things unseen in which God intervenes.  Countless times when he has provided for us in ways we never even knew about.

Needs we didn’t even know we had.

Did you catch that?  Cue the audience clap.  No – better yet, cue the stadium roar! 

Because WOW. 

This brings fresh perspective to Philippians 4:19:

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Needs we know about.  And needs we don’t.

This means that NO need goes by untouched by our omnipotent, powerful, but personal God.  Physical, mental, emotional, financial, spiritual, and the list goes on.

He’s got you. 

Can I get an AMEN?

So today, could we just take a moment and ponder his provision for those unseen things? 

Could we offer him a heart of thanks for the times he has provided without gratitude from us, because we were simply unaware?

And then, let’s revisit those miraculous times when we’ve seen his active hand, thanking him again for his never-ending care for our every need.

Because there’s joy in the remembering.

And because our gratitude brings joy to the Giver.

Praise you, God, for being our holy provider.  For meeting ALL of our needs so diligently.  For letting us see you move so we can build our faith, and for moving in things we do not see.

He says:

Child, I am the great Giver.  The enemy wishes to wipe away every blessing given by my hand, and he clouds minds so they cannot see. I war against him for my own, protecting my faithful and providing for them diligently.  I lovingly care for every aspect of your life – even in unseen things you do not know about.  I go before you in everything.  My provision is far beyond what you know.  I do so out of great love for those who also love and honor me.  This is my great joy.

“He Says” passages are excerpts taken from my personal prayer journal.  These are things God has spoken to me directly, and my prayer is that he will use them to speak to you.  I  

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