When Disappointment Overwhelms

I know the pain of disappointment. 

And not just the little letdowns of our everyday.  I mean the hopes dashed, goals averted, dreams lost kind of disappointment.

The kind when you are expecting one thing, and God gives you something else.

Most of us have been there at one time or another. 

These are the seasons when our minds swim with thoughts of, “Where are you, God, in all of this?”

We question why his plans look so different from ours, or why he chose this path for us.

Sometimes it’s difficult to understand.

But let me tell you what God has shown me by navigating through times like these.

Beginning with this.

God knows the why of my story. 

He knows what this season is meant to accomplish in me, and how he wants me to get through it. 

I can choose to either grumble my way through it, nursing my discontent, or I can accept what God has chosen for me, and submit to his plan.

Option A will lead me down an angry, bitter path.  Option B will lead me to a place of acceptance and trust.

Because his plans are always perfect.

Just remember – God can use EVEN THIS.  And he intends to.

The truth is, the bigger mountain is not the disappointment itself; it’s where I set my mind as I walk over it.

Translation:  Don’t stare at the mountain.  Stare at the one who can crumble it. 

Because then, and only then, will you be able to move your heart away from bitterness and point it toward peace.

I know this is easier said than done. 

One day as I was busy cursing my own mountain, God stepped in to redirect my heart. 

This was sorely needed, because I was well on my way down the bitter path.  I remember opening my Bible, looking for peace, only to see THIS staring back at me.  Mark 7:20 (NLT) –

And then he [Jesus] added, “It is the thought-life that defiles you.”

This is when God began to show me that much of my disappointment stemmed from where I had allowed my mind to go.

And that, though seemingly hopeless, he had intentionally placed this in my life to refine me, to change me, and to grow me.

Not a message any girl wants to hear, but in my case, I knew it as truth. 

And I knew what I needed to do.  It was time for me to get off the bitter path and trust the Giver to do what was best for me, whether I liked it or not.

This began with a gradual acceptance of his plan for me, and a daily decision to be thankful through it. 

A choice that changed me enough to put my heart in a better place.

It was during this season that not only did I find tremendous healing, but God began a chain of events that eventually led me to start this blog.

Does this mean that when you face disappointments, God has planned these hard times for you?  Maybe yes, and maybe no. 

But regardless, he will show up when you are in the midst of them.  You just need to trust him, walk out the path before you, and have faith that somehow, he will use this for your good.

Rocky paths are not impassible.  Sometimes they are the necessary paths, because these are the roads that lead you toward spiritual growth, maturity, and complete trust in your Maker.

And often these are the same paths that, when walked in faith, you will one day confess that you would never have wanted to live your life without.

I once heard it said that every hardship you face has an expiration date.  Keep this nugget tucked away in your heart for the days you need a reminder.

It may be that God heals your situation, or it may be that he heals your heart.  Either way, there is hope for you if you pursue it. 

With that said, I pray for you, my friend, that when you face disappointment, you won’t walk the bitter path. 

Take action now. 

And if your heart needs a little extra help redirecting:

  • Reach out to a friend.
  • Seek counseling.
  • Read a self-help book.
  • And above all, open your Bible. 

I have done every one of these at one time or another.

I want to share with you a book that gave me hope during the season I spoke of.

Because this woman’s words were what helped me get my heart off the bitter path and to a place of positive change. 

Written by Lysa TerKeurst and aptly titled, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, this book brings such peace that I believe every disappointed soul should pore through its pages.  Perhaps this is where your healing will begin also. (Note: I am in no way affiliated with this author).

I found a link on her website and I’m including it here, because I would love for you to find the hope that I found in this book.  You can also see a 60-second hope-filled video of Lysa herself.  When you view it, you’ll know you’re not alone.  I hope you will watch it.  You’ll be glad you did.    

 It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa TerKeurst – P31 Bookstore

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