Your Faithfulness Matters

Sometimes when we are genuinely faithful to God, he uses us to impact another soul.

I had such an experience on Sunday morning – as the impacted soul.  

It came during worship, when my mouth was in it, but my heart was not, only to find myself fully drawn in through the heartfelt passion of a worship leader.  

And not the pastor, mind you, but a faithful one who often gives of his time to serve in this way.

I was so moved that I’ve reflected on that moment, and the song, often since.

So I sent him a thank you.

Because his faithfulness mattered, and I thought he should know.

Interestingly, it was just weeks ago that this man’s wife made an impact of her own by hosting a small group book study to cover a needed topic.  Her motive?  An earnest desire to grow alongside other women.

And grow we did.

It’s not that I see this couple as any more spiritual than the rest of us. 

What they are is faithful. 

And when we are steadily faithful, God is able to use us.

Often it’s not the extraordinary things we do that God uses, but rather simple acts done out of a genuine faith.

When our goal is the pursuit of God.

As God knows this, he gives us this charge:

And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.  (Mark 12:30)

Because when we love God with this kind of devotion, we become full vessels. 

And full vessels spill over into the thirsty souls of other people.

A prime example of such faithfulness is reflected in a story told in Acts 16.  It’s about of a group of Jewish women who had no synagogue in their city.  With no place to worship, they gathered on the riverbank to seek God together. 

Meanwhile, Paul was on one of his famous journeys, and God led him right into one of these meetings. 

He shared the gospel, and we are told of one woman who believed, and then opened her home as the new meeting place for God’s people. 

And the church of Philippi was born.  

The very same church to whom Paul later penned the book of Philippians. 

That’s right – the Philippian church began through a group of faithful women! 

It’s amazing what God can do when his people love him fully and serve him faithfully.

Matthew 5:8 calls God’s faithful pure in heart.  And this verse promises that not only will these be blessed, but they will also see God. 

And when blessed people see God, they impact others around them. 

So, my friend, pursue God with all your heart.  Be one who God can use. 

And while you steadily cling to him, meditate on this:

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.  (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Your faithfulness matters – in the big things, the little things, and everything in between.

I thought it fitting to end my post with a link to the song I first spoke of.  The one I was drawn into during worship.  You’ll never guess what it’s about:  worship, adoration, and FAITHFULNESS! 

So Will I (100 Billion X) Lyric Video – Hillsong United – Bing video

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  1. Stephenie Cook-Wheaton

    Thank you for the reminder that faith is all we need.
    I have had many seasons in my life that I can look back on and see where faith carried me through.
    When I feel fear and doubt rising up inside me I remember these times and what got me through.
    Great is HIS faithfulness to me and great is mine to HIM!

    1. Grace Grown Girl

      Amen, my friend! Looking back on those moments is what carries me through also. That track record of God having my back proves that he’ll do it again. I think we all need that!

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